The vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.29

The vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.29

Jan 17

Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade.

Cleaning: Mikuru.

Typesetting: StephenColbert23.

Translation: Sekitori.

Magazine: Young Ace 2012#01.

The Haruhi anime history and future speculation

The Haruhi anime history and future speculation

Jan 16

Haruhi time line

The Haruhi anime history
and future speculation
article @ ultimatemegax’s blog.

Read the article @ ultimatemegax’s blog.

A very well documented and interesting article about the franchise. A must read!

The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan nano branch: ch.2

The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan nano branch: ch.2

Jan 12

Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade.

Cleaning: Yuki.SC

Typesetting: Mikuru

Translation: 7.62x51mm NATO

Magazine: 4koma nano ace #2.

Thanks a lot to 7.62x51mm NATO for his translation, if anybody else wants to help translating for us or cleaning, you are welcome! Enjoy this chapter.

Japan: Haruhi Suzumiya Figures Bundled with Coffee Cans

Japan: Haruhi Suzumiya Figures Bundled with Coffee Cans

Dec 14

Haruhi Suzumiya Coffe Bundle

Japanese fans will be able to get a nice figure of Haruhi Suzumiya when they buy their coffe. The Japanese company Asahi Soft Drinks announced that it will bundle Suzumiya Haruhi no Rittai (The Three Dimensions of Haruhi Suzumiya) figures with cans of Wonda Morning Shot coffee on December 20. Unfortunately for us, this will be only in Family Mart convenience stores throughout Japan, until supplies run out. Available figures include: Haruhi Suzumiya as seen in the cover of the 10th ligth novel, Sasaki as seen in the cover of the 11th light novel, Haruhi Suzumiya in a dress, Yuki Nagato in her regular seifuku, and Mikuru Asahina wearing her classic maid outfit.

… I really want one of those.

Sources: ANN, Ota-News

Reviews: Haruhi Suzumiya

Reviews: Haruhi Suzumiya

Dec 13

Haruhi Suzumiya

An odyssey in Haruhi Suzumiya.
Review @ Bateszi Anime Blog.

Read the review @ Bateszi Anime Blog


The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya
& Nyoron! Churuya-san Collection #2
Review @

Read the review @


The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Review @

Read the review @