The vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.38

The vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.38

Oct 18

Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade.

Translation: Sekitori

Cleaning: Mikuru

Typesetting: Noxshade

Magazine: Young Ace 2012#11


  1. Alexander

    Hello. Can you please clarify what the deal with the chapter numbers is?
    According to your release post for ch 36 and “36”, the chapters released in Young Ace 2012#08 & 2012#09 were both numbered 36. However, in the tank they are correctly numbered as 36 and 37 (TOC).

    • Kyonko

      That’s right, the chapters in Young Ace had a wrong numbering. There are two different chapters clearly numbered as “chapter 36”, and to make up for that mistake, they skipped ch40 (in the magazine) in order to match the numbering in the tankoubons. But don’t worry about the numbers, there are no missing chapters, it’s only an issue in the numbers.

  2. warun

    Glad to see you and the project are still alive! Thanks so much for all your work!

  3. LoliX

    Thanks for the new chapter 🙂

  4. Grahf

    Thank you very much for this translation. Fun chapter, and that surprise at the end was quite nice.

  5. Sado Invaldi

    Im so thankful that you guys are continuing this series. I’m so happy this made my day!

  6. Derdev


    Don’t know what we’d do without you guys

  7. nyoron

    Ohhhhh, I did not see that coming.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. ShrikeRisen

    Thank you for the new chapter.

  9. Jocko

    Thank you very much for this one :3

  10. Jason Lu

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’ve missed this so much!! Do you knw=ow if there is a volume 6?

    • Kyonko

      I know, right? vol.5 was released in Japan almost one year ago, but nope, no vol.6 yet. But Young Ace keeps publishing chapters each month, so it’s a matter of time.

  11. Jason Lu

    Do you if those chapters are around?

    • Kyonko

      I don’t know of sites to get those raws, but I guess there should be around. has the latest Young Ace.

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