The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.44
Jun 24Translation: Sekitori & Calculuswhiz
Cleaning: Calculuswhiz
Typesetting: Calculuswhiz
Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 6 [Kadokawa Comics A]
Ok, just so you guys know, this is the last chapter in my backlog. This means that there may not be a new chapter for a long while. Thanks so much for still being interested after all this time! You guys rock!
The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.43
Jun 24Translation: Sekitori
Cleaning: Calculuswhiz
Typesetting: Calculuswhiz
Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 6 [Kadokawa Comics A]
Yes, it’s another update. Expect one more soon. However, I can make no guarantee past that.
By the way, how’s the anime? I’ve only watched a couple of episodes and was waiting for the end of the season.
The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.42
Jun 23Translation: Sekitori
Cleaning: Aruigus808
Typesetting: Aruigus808
Magazine: Young Ace 2013#3
Hey, it’s a chapter! What are the odds?
Anyway, guys, sorry for the long wait! School and stuff first, you know. Also new actual job.
Hope things look good.
The vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.41
Mar 31
Remember, there’s no chapter 40. Read the last page at ch39 for more info.
By the way, so far there are no more news about the upcoming anime for this series. There was only a modest anouncement in Young Ace, but no dates nor anything else.
The vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch.39
Nov 21
There were some issues with the numbering of chapters in the magazine where Yuki-chan is being published, please read the note at the end of the chapter, the story continues in chapter 41.