The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 57

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 57

Jul 21


Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Cleaning: Calculuswhiz

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 7 [Kadokawa Comics A]

Merry Christmas to all! In… July…? The party begins! Behind the celebration, emotions stir…

The wait is over!


The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 56

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 56

Jul 20


Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Cleaning: Calculuswhiz

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 7 [Kadokawa Comics A]

Planning is done, and the Christmas Party is days away! Asakura makes a suggestion to Kyon…?

(Also, pp. 114-115. Subtleties are nice.)


The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 55

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 55

Jul 19


Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Cleaning: Calculuswhiz

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 7 [Kadokawa Comics A]

Christmas is approaching. A new party idea comes to the table, and Kyon’s feelings come to his consciousness. No regrets!

Thanks for reading! Good part coming up very soon!

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: chs. 52-54

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: chs. 52-54

Jul 18


Chapter 52


Chpater 53


Chpater 54


Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Cleaning: Calculuswhiz

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 7 [Kadokawa Comics A]

Nagato was invited over to Kyon’s house to play video games. Or will something more happen…? (Don’t worry. Everything that has happened so far pays off. Trust me. Sit tight for just a little longer!)

It’s a three-part story, so naturally, that means a triple release. Right? I’m trying to justify an unhealthy obsession here, help me out.

Heads up:  I’m taking a complete break after Volume 7’s completion, I think, for up to a week. No moderation, no blog, no project work. I don’t want to burn out, so I believe that this will be the best course of action. Thanks for understanding.


The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 51

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: ch. 51

Jul 16


Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Cleaning: Calculuswhiz

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 7 [Kadokawa Comics A]

Yup, you guessed it. Another chapter. Kyon wants to do something with Yuki on Sunday? What could it be?


I hate cleaning  x_x  It takes so long to do, but I spend all day on it anyway. There’s a lot of non-black-on-white text in this volume… I hope I don’t burn out. (But there’s a really good part coming up in a few chapters, and I want to get to it.)

Which brings me to my next issue:  I think it’s time I looked for a teammate. Specifically for cleaning. So…

Potential cleaner job description:

  • Knows his/her way around GIMP or Photoshop. (Preferably GIMP, but I can open .psd files.)
  • Removing text and redrawing backgrounds will be your primary job. You do not have to be totally perfect. Remember that text with a 3-px outline will go over these parts anyway. However, I expect good quality work. If it’s too difficult, you can let me know, and we’ll figure something out.
  • Works quickly. Ideally, <24 hours per assignment. I reserve the right to pre-empt you if you work too slowly. I will not wait. Work will be split as I see fit. I also reserve the right to let you go if you don’t do a good job.
  • Your term will end when volume 8 is completed, as we’ll have to wait for volume 9 to be released. However, you will be considered first when that happens.
  • Will not have to take care of leveling, black-on-white text removal, or error-splotches. I can do that.
  • As you know, this is a non-profit free group. Obviously, you won’t be paid.
  • Terms subject to change.

If this sounds like you, please leave a comment using your primary email address. I can see your email address in my control panel, so please don’t post it in public. I don’t want you to get spammed.