GIMP Gadget: Batch Level tool

GIMP Gadget: Batch Level tool

Aug 08

Hello, everyone.

I developed a GIMP script that I used extensively throughout this project during the cleaning phase, and I thought I’d share it here in case anybody else wanted to use it or adapt it (currently, it’s Linux command-line only). It applies the levels across all the image files in a directory. (Levels is commonly used by manga cleaners to adjust light-grays into white and dark-grays into black for a cleaner, better looking picture.) I made it because I didn’t want to waste time opening up each image in the GUI and applying the same thing with the same settings to every picture. It can also flatten XCFs into JPGs. With over 150 images per volume, that adds up to quite a lot, especially considering I always make XCFs for typesetting and cleaning before converting them to JPGs.

Get the source code and more details here. (GitHub repository)

The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan nano branch: All the other chapters (6-10)

The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan nano branch: All the other chapters (6-10)

Aug 06
Download All

Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Cleaning: Yuki.SC

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Magazine: 4koma nano ace #6-10.

Well… I finished it in a couple hours, just like I said!


Haruhi-chan Nano Branch

Haruhi-chan Nano Branch

Aug 05

Ok. I’ve decided to finish this series off. I hate to not finish something. Should actually be pretty easy now that I look at it. It’ll be kind of a rush-job, so I may not do as good of a job, though. Why? It’s simply not as good of a series. Or rather, I don’t like it very much. I don’t think the stories were all that funny compared to Haruhi-chan actual. So that said, I’m going to typeset all of these and release them all in one bundle. Should only take a couple hours.

Public Opinion Survey

Public Opinion Survey

Aug 04

I noticed we also stopped production on the other project we’re supposed to be in charge of, Haruhi-chan Nano Branch. (Should be on the right side of the main page.) What I want to know is, would people be interested in seeing the rest of the chapters finished? I personally don’t like it that much, but it is very short (10 chapters total). If I get enough people to say they want it, I’ll go ahead with it. Otherwise, I may just forget about it entirely.

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: chs. 63 and Bonus Chapter (63.5)

The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: chs. 63 and Bonus Chapter (63.5)

Aug 03


Chapter 63


O-make (63.5)


Scanlation Team: YukiBrigade

Translation: Calculuswhiz

Cleaning: Praetors and Calculuswhiz (63); Calculuswhiz (63.5)

Typesetting: Calculuswhiz

Publication: The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan Volume 8 [Kadokawa Comics A]

Nagato is sick… Her friends come over to take care of her.

Anyway, folks, Volume 9 comes out in October, so of course, no new chapters until at least then (provided I can find scans). As always, thanks for reading and keeping your interest in the series. I may still post things, but… we’ll see. I need to prepare for the next stage of my life, though. Like I said before, I will be shipped off to training in a couple weeks, and I’ve been putting off some work I need to do.

